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Though birds may be wonderful for some observers, they pose serious health hazards to your home when they begin to roost on your property. Bird roosting is them making your home, their home. Birds are known carriers of infectious diseases and mites that are serious dangers to human health, especially to the elderly and infants. Along with the tick, mites and viruses they carry that put your family and pets at risk they also leave a ton of droppings all across your roof, foundation, concrete paths and even patio furniture! Their poop is acidic meaning it eats at the coat of paint on your foundation, weakens the bond on roof and even deteriorates your concrete pathways leaving  your home compromised to further damage and bacteria exposure. Don't take them on all on your own. Call a professional that'll clean their mess and kick them out with modern and eco methods



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Rodents pose a serious health hazard the moment they make their presence in your home. They are known to carry human viruses such as hantavirus, leptospirosis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCMV), Tularemia and Salmonella that we can come in contact with through their droppings, nesting and urine. They leave their droppings and urine as a "road map" for safe passage through your home, attic, garage or crawl-space that themselves and other colony members can use on their next invasion of your home. Rats leave 35-50 droppings behind a day and mice leave significantly more so if you've seen them around, or possible evidence of them, contact us to make your home a healthy home once again. We offer Disinfect services that not only clean up the trails, but the viruses with them. WARNING DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CLEAN ON YOUR OWN. YOU MAY INFECT THE ATMOSPHERE.

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california structural pest control board PR# 8921


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